March 18, 2022

Delete or Complete

“I love lists. Always have.”
― Adam Savage

I love to-do lists. The only problem is they have an unfortunate tendency to grow. Of course, if you prioritize well, you can work from the top down. Still, I think it’s nicer to have a short to-do list.

There are several effective methods for dealing with a lengthy to-do list. One of my favorites is the Eisenhower Matrix. It’s excellent because it helps you focus on what matters most. The only problem is that sometimes it gets a bit complicated, especially when you feel like you need to do everything.

So I found a simple method that works for me.

Ultimately, there are only two ways to deal with items on a to-do list. You can either complete tasks or delete tasks.

With a long list, you won’t be able to complete everything in one day. You need to prioritize the list, and it’s easier to prioritize a shorter list. So let’s start by deleting tasks.

For every task, ask yourself these questions:

  1. If I was out of the country for a month, could this task wait without negative consequences?
  2. Does this task distract me from my long-term goals?
  3. Can someone else complete this task?
  4. Can I ignore this task entirely?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, consider deleting the task. Don’t try to keep it around because you’re afraid you might forget about it. Every item on your to-do list steals mental energy, so ruthlessly delete.

Now let’s prioritize what’s left.

For every remaining task, ask these questions:

  1. Do I need to complete this task today to avoid a negative consequence? If yes, move it to the top.
  2. If this is the only task I complete today, will I consider the day a success? If yes, move it below anything from #1
  3. Will completing this task move me closer to one of my long-term goals? If yes, move it right below anything from #2.
  4. Do I need to complete this task soon to avoid a negative consequence? If yes, move it below anything from #3.
  5. Did I answer “no” to the first four questions about this task? If yes, delete the task.

Now let’s go complete some tasks.

March 11, 2022

If It's Convenient

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.”
― Ken Blanchard

If it’s convenient to eat nutritious food, you will unless it’s convenient to eat junk food.

If it’s convenient to exercise, you will unless it’s convenient to sit on your butt.

If it’s convenient to spend meaningful time with your family, you will unless it’s convenient to watch TV.

If it’s convenient to practice, you will unless it’s convenient to relax.

If it’s convenient to learn, you will unless it’s convenient to veg out.

If it’s convenient to get a good night’s sleep, you will unless it’s convenient to stay up late.

If it’s convenient to meditate, you will unless it’s convenient to distract yourself.

March 04, 2022

I Can't

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
― Theodore Roosevelt

“I can’t” is probably the most limiting belief a person can ever hold. “I can’t” is automatically a true statement if you believe it.

Of course, more often than not, “I can’t” really means “I give up.” Maybe I tried something that didn’t work, or I tried a bunch of things that didn’t work. Maybe I failed last time. Maybe I’m afraid to screw things up again. Maybe everyone says it’s impossible.

You need to ask yourself, “How bad do I want it?” If it isn’t important to you, move on and don’t worry about what anyone thinks. On the other hand, if it is important to you, then don’t give up without exhausting all your resources, looking at every angle, and testing all possibilities.

February 25, 2022

Time for a Break

“There is a great volcano sleeping in every laziness!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

You need to take a break from everything holding you back. So go for it. Take a break.

  • Take a break from laziness.

  • Take a break from your ego.

  • Take a break from procrastination.

  • Take a break from negativity.

  • Take a break from wishful thinking.

  • Take a break from being boring.

  • Take a break from anger.

  • Take a break from apathy.

  • Take a break from pessimism.

  • Take a break from your temper.

  • Take a break from cowardice.

  • Take a break from hesitating.

  • Take a break from fear.

  • Take a break from ignorance.

  • Take a break from indecisiveness.

  • Take a break from distraction.

February 18, 2022

Can I Get Some Help?

“You can get most things you want in life. It’s just that most goals will take one or two years longer than expected. Be patient.”
― Tai Lopez

I want to learn to code, but it seems pretty daunting. Can I get some help?

I want to start a business, but I feel overwhelmed. Can I get some help?

I want to master some new technology, but I don’t know where to start. Can I get some help?

I want to become a better cook, but I burn frozen pizzas. Can I get some help?

I want to speak a second language, but it seems so difficult. Can I get some help?

Sure. I can help.

Step #1: Clearly define success for your goal.

Ask yourself, “How will I know if I succeeded?” When you answer that question, you’ll have a clear understanding of where you’re going.

Step #2: Determine the next step that brings you closer to your goal.

Don’t worry about the whole process. Look for a small, meaningful step you can accomplish today. For example, you might need to find an online course. Next, you might need to watch a lecture video. Then you need to complete an assigned exercise. Just pick the next small step that moves you towards your goal.

Step #3: Take the next step.

You have a clear picture of success, and you know what to do next. Now do it — today.

Step #4: Make adjustments.

As you move forward, you’ll inevitably drift a bit off course. Look back at step #1 and remember your definition of success.

Step #5: Go to step #2 and repeat until you achieve success.

Make progress every day. Don’t worry about being fast — worry about being consistent.

Step #6: Celebrate success!

You did it! Appreciate how far you’ve come, then start moving towards your next goal.

February 11, 2022

What Could I Have Done Better?

“I don’t believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be.”
― Ken Venturi

When you fail, ask yourself, “What could I have done better?”

When your team fails, ask yourself, “What could I have done better?”

When your friends fail, ask yourself, “What could I have done better?”

When your family fails, ask yourself, “What could I have done better?”

February 04, 2022

Baseball Truisms That Probably Apply to Life

“I never blame myself when I’m not hitting. I just blame the bat and if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn’t my fault that I’m not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?”
― Yogi Berra

I grew up playing a lot of baseball, and along the way, I picked up a lot of clichés. As I grew up, I came to realize that those baseball clichés reflect a lot of truths about life. Here are a few examples.

Baseball is won between the lines.

Study, practice, and preparation are all important, but ultimately, you need to get on the field and play the game.

Help your own cause.

This typically applies to a pitcher that is batting. If he gets a hit, and especially if he drives in a run, he helps his own cause. Sometimes, we need to step outside our specialty, our comfort zone, and do the job that needs to be done.

A walk is as good as a hit.

When you just need to get on base, a walk is as good as a hit. You don’t always need to hit home runs. Sometimes, you take what life gives you and improve your situation incrementally.

Keep your eye on the ball.

It’s rule #1 of baseball. Whatever the distractions, understand what’s actually important and keep your focus there.

Don’t get caught napping.

Once you’re on base, stay alert so you don’t get picked off. In life, don’t let the little wins distract you from your real goals.

It comes down to execution.

Talent doesn’t win ballgames. It doesn’t make sales, write code, or lay bricks either. It takes talent plus hard work to get the job done.

Pick your poison.

Do you want to pitch around their best hitter and face a power hitter with a runner on base? Should you walk the eighth spot batter with the winning run at third and first base open or try to strike him out? When there’s no obvious answer, just “pick your poison” and do your best.

It ain’t over ’til it’s over.

Don’t give up. Don’t quit. Keep grinding. Just because you’re losing doesn’t mean you can’t come back and win.

It’s supposed to be fun.

Baseball’s a game, so have fun. Even when you’re hot, sweaty, dirty, tired, losing, or whatever — have fun. Life isn’t just a game, but that’s all the more reason to focus on the positives. Cut out the negativity and stay positive. Sure, there will be setbacks, negatives, and difficult times, but there can also be excitement, adventure, friends and family, good food, new challenges, and so much more.

January 28, 2022

Version 2

“Sometimes,” said General Morpurgo, taking her hand, “dreams are all that separate us from the machines.”
― “The Fall of Hyperion” by Dan Simmons

To nerds like me, sometimes there seem to be a lot of parallels between software and people.

  • Big data => Knowledge
  • Data analysis => Understanding
  • Upgraded hardware => Workout
  • Fix a bug => Create a good habit
  • Add a feature => Learn a new skill
  • Improved UI => Dress for success
  • Improved UX => Attitude of gratitude

January 21, 2022

There Is No Shortcut

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”
― Beverly Sills

There is no shortcut to knowledge, but you can optimize your learning.

There is no shortcut to fitness, but you can improve your workouts.

There is no shortcut to wealth, but you can start investing now.

There is no shortcut to happiness, but you can choose gratitude and kindness.

There is no shortcut to greatness, but you can take ownership of everything in your life.

January 14, 2022

Forget Your Losses

“Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success.”
― William S. Gilbert

Babe Ruth stuck out 1,330 times.
Michael Jordan missed 16,402 shots.
Martin Brodeur allowed 2,781 goals.
Dan Marino threw 252 interceptions.

People remember your wins, not your losses.