April 22, 2022

3 Things I Wish I Knew in My 20s

“Age provides perspective, but life wasn’t designed with a point at which it definitively gets easier.”
― Jana Eleanor

My 20s were a time of exciting opportunities, difficult challenges, and constant learning. I am grateful for the journey, but if I had to give my younger self advice, this is where I would start.

  1. Anxiety and excitement are basically the same feelings. Whenever you’re feeling anxious or whenever you’re feeling afraid, remind yourself to be excited and you’ll rise to the occasion.
  2. Everything worth doing is difficult at the beginning. Nobody magically gets a free pass on this, so just focus on where you want to be, not how far you have to go to get there.
  3. Perspective matters more than problems. You can focus on the difficulty or the opportunity. You can find a reason to be miserable or a reason to be grateful. You can focus on what you have to do or what you get to do.