“You can get most things you want in life. It’s just that most goals will take one or two years longer than expected. Be patient.”
― Tai Lopez

I want to learn to code, but it seems pretty daunting. Can I get some help?
I want to start a business, but I feel overwhelmed. Can I get some help?
I want to master some new technology, but I don’t know where to start. Can I get some help?
I want to become a better cook, but I burn frozen pizzas. Can I get some help?
I want to speak a second language, but it seems so difficult. Can I get some help?
Sure. I can help.
Step #1: Clearly define success for your goal.
Ask yourself, “How will I know if I succeeded?” When you answer that question, you’ll have a clear understanding of where you’re going.
Step #2: Determine the next step that brings you closer to your goal.
Don’t worry about the whole process. Look for a small, meaningful step you can accomplish today. For example, you might need to find an online course. Next, you might need to watch a lecture video. Then you need to complete an assigned exercise. Just pick the next small step that moves you towards your goal.
Step #3: Take the next step.
You have a clear picture of success, and you know what to do next. Now do it — today.
Step #4: Make adjustments.
As you move forward, you’ll inevitably drift a bit off course. Look back at step #1 and remember your definition of success.
Step #5: Go to step #2 and repeat until you achieve success.
Make progress every day. Don’t worry about being fast — worry about being consistent.
Step #6: Celebrate success!
You did it! Appreciate how far you’ve come, then start moving towards your next goal.