June 28, 2024


“Your Quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while all the Company is true.”
― Galadriel, The Lord of the Rings

I love the word “yet.” It adds hope to a sentence. It implies there’s more to come. The story isn’t over.

Kids don’t ask, “Are we there?” They ask, “Are we there yet?” They know there’s a future with unlocked potential on the other side.

Just think about how “yet” can unlock optimism and positivity:

  • “I not strong enough.” → “I’m not strong enough yet.”

  • “I haven’t found the one for me.” → “I haven’t found the one for me yet.”

  • “I’m not very good at this.” → “I’m not very good at this yet.”

  • “I haven’t reached my goals.” → “I haven’t reached my goals yet.”

  • “I don’t fully understand.” → “I don’t fully understand yet.”

  • “I can’t do it.” → “I can’t do it yet.”

  • “I’m not where I want to be.” → “I’m not where I want to be yet.”

  • “I don’t know the answer.” → “I don’t know the answer yet.”

Next time your self-talk starts spiraling toward negativity, try adding a “yet.” A little hope and anticipation can go a long way.